Wesleyan Holiness Women Clergy

By Rev. Dr. Margaret Dunn May 11, 2022
The story of Hagar teaches us that God does care for us: He heals our broken hearts, gives us an identity and a hope but also, God’s promises are true and He will keep them.
By Susan C. Stanley May 4, 2022
Wesleyan Holiness has a rich and diverse history of women empowered by the Holy Spirit following God in obedience to Him, blocking out the voices of those who didn't embrace or encourage women preachers. Each one of them are the women whose shoulders we stand upon, making way for the next generation of women pastors coming up behind us.
By Rev. Natalie Gidney April 27, 2022
The wonderfully freeing truth we have in the Beatitudes is that they are not a checklist of to-dos and rules to hem us in, keep us in line, or that we must check off. The Beatitudes are words given to us as grace, dripping like honey from a honeycomb with blessing and hope in a desperate and broken world.
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Wesleyan Holiness Women Clergy

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