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A Celebration of [Her]story

 Rev. Robbie Cansler • May 19, 2021 | WHWC

Forming a Sisterhood of Clergywomen One Conference at a Time

Being a woman in ministry can be isolating and lonely. In addition to all of the challenges that exist in any ministry, there is the complexity of navigating your call in the midst of a church culture that often pushes against it. There is the challenge of trying to balance your family and ministry. There are the awkward moments where someone thought you were the wedding photographer instead of the officiant, or the pastor’s wife at the community event. 

This is the reason that Wesleyan Holiness Women Clergy (WHWC) came into being. An organization dedicated to creating space for women to explore their call, to be encouraged in their call, life and ministry, and to be equipped to tackle whatever may come their way, and do it together. A sisterhood of clergywomen that transcends denomination, language, cultural barriers, and physical location was formed, and continues to seek ways to encourage, empower, and equip one another. 

In order to cultivate connections among women clergy, WHWC created a bi-annual conference that has been a source of inspiration for thousands of women clergy and students since 1994. It has been held in places all over the country, with various speakers, workshops, and worship bands, but it has always been a source of restoration for the women who attend. 

A Celebration of [Her]story

After a year of immense loss, pain, stress, and grief, it is more important than ever to be reminded of the one who calls us to the ministry, the God who sustains us through it all, and of the amazing sisterhood that we are a part of. It is important to take time to rest, and to be reminded of the faithfulness of God in the past, the present, and the future. 

So, we are inviting you to come and be a part of [Her]story. To listen and remember the ways that God has faithfully called and been present with women in the past. Women who also faced social issues like racism and sexism. Women who at times faced epidemics and disease. Women who were weary and tired, but persevered with the power of the Holy Spirit. 

We invite you to come and find your own [Her]story, to find ways to share where you find yourself in the great story of God. To unite with one another in the sharing of these stories, to be empowered, encouraged, and equipped for the days ahead. 

A Time for Rest and Renewal

We invite you to join us in Grapevine, Texas March 10-12, 2022. We will be meeting and staying at the Embassy Suites, a beautiful hotel accessible for all abilities. There is space for you to have fun, through swimming in the pool, shopping in town, or visiting the local escape room with new (or old) friends. 

There will be space for you to engage your body in healthy ways, through a run around the nearby lake, a visit to the fitness center, or eating good food with others. There will be space for you to pray, to journal, and to talk to others about your spiritual journey. There will be space for you to share your story, to cry, to laugh, and to join together. There will be space for you to listen, to learn, to be filled, and renewed. 

There will be space for you to rest, to take naps, to go for a quiet walk at the nearby botanic gardens, or to sit in solitude. There will be space for you to worship, through music, through preaching, through art, through fellowship, and through rest. There will be space for you. 

A Time for Equipping and Encouragement

We are thrilled to have Jo Saxton and Kadi Cole join us as our keynote speakers next year, and they will share with us their stories and how God has been faithful to them. We will be filled with encouragement for the days ahead by these gifted and called women of God. We are grateful to have them join our [Her]story. 

It has been an incredibly challenging ministry season, and now it is time to dream again. It is time to make space to rest. It is time to make space to be filled. So join us March 10-12 2022, as we celebrate [Her]story, the way that God has been faithful and continues to be faithful to women called by God. 

Register Now

Ready to Register? Go to our conference website to register today. I can't wait to see you there!

Rev. Robbie Cansler is an ordained elder in the church of the Nazarene. She pastors The Mission church of the Nazarene, a multi-cultural intergenerational church she planted in Hammond, IN where she lives with her husband Mac, and 2 young sons. Robbie is a pastor, preacher, writer, baker, mother, and wife and will at times foolishly try to wear all of those hats at the same time. 

Black woman singing into mic on stage. White Text on Black Background. A Celebration of HER story E2022. By Robbie Cansler.

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